1. 1) How many minimum partitions are required for Linux OS installation.
  2. 2) What contents are there in /boot partition
  3. 3) Purpose of swap partition
  4. 4) What is MBR partition table
  5. 5) What is GPT partition table
  6. 6) What does mean /dev/sda6 in Linux?
  7. 7) What is XFS?
  8. 8) Command to check working Directory?
  9. 9) Command to check directories content?
  10. 10) Command to check accessible partition?
  11. 11) What is mount point?
  12. 12) Command to change directory?
  13. 13) Command to go to previous working directory?
  14. 14) Command to check hidden files in Linux?
  15. 15) What is FHS in Linux?
  16. 16) command to check file or directory belongs to which partition?
  17. 17) What is relative path
  18. 18) What is absolute path
  19. 19) Command to create file in Linux?
  20. 20) What is the command to create directory in Linux
  21. 21) What is the command to delete directory?
  22. 22) What is the command to delete file
  23. 23) What is the use of rm -r
  24. 24) What is the use of rm -rf
  25. 25) Command to delete empty directory
  26. 26) Command to edit file in Linux
  27. 27) What is insert mode in VIM
  28. 28) How to come out of insert mode in vim?
  29. 29) How do i save and close file in Linux
  30. 30) What is the command to view(read only) content of file?
  31. 31) How to rename file?
  32. 32) Command to move file?
  33. 33) How to check previously executed command?
  34. 34) Command to check system uptime?
  35. 35) Command to check logged in user?
  36. 36) Command to create user in Linux?
  37. 37) How to set password for user?
  38. 38) Giving error “Can not remove file permission denied”. What are causes
  39. 39) Types of user in Linux
  40. 40) What is Kernel in Linux
  41. 41) What is shell in Linux
  42. 42) What is the use id command