1.Move /var/log/messages to /data/sagar
2.copy /etc/fstab to /data/test/. The user and owner of that file skould be root. All users should be able to read that file. no one should be able to execute. Anil and sunil should not be able to execute. Anil and sunil should not be able read nor write. satish should be able to read and write.
3. Secure /data2 such that only group linuxadmin can access and all child directories and files should have group linuxadmin.
4.Add a cron job for user nilesh /bin/echo hello. This job should run Tuesday 10:00 am
5.Deny user vishal to create cronjob for himself.
6.Search for the text “root” in the file /etc/passwd and copy this to a file /data/sagar. The new file should not have any blank lines or space. The order of the names in the new files should be same as the order in which it appears in the original file.
7.Set quota to sagar user on /home partition set soft limit to 8mb and hard limit to 10mb.
8.set to default target.
9.Set hostname permanently.